How can I look younger than my age naturally - breathe


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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How can I look younger than my age naturally

How can I look younger than my age naturally 


 The signs of aging begin to appear on the hands even if the facial skin is young, so it is advised to pay attention to and care for them by moistening them regularly, and applying sunscreen on them daily, and making sure to moisturize the entire skin daily, and the use of anti-wrinkle preparations to tighten Skin smooth and smooth, free of fine lines.

 Dental care and smile

 Coffee and some other drinks contribute with time to change the color of the teeth and convert them to yellow, which indicates aging. Therefore, it is advised to brush the teeth using a paste that contains bleaching materials to give them shine and thus contribute to appearing at a younger age. When applying red lipstick instead of brown or orange, because they highlight yellow.

Doing exercise

Regular exercise is recommended because it contributes to losing extra weight, increasing the muscle mass in the body, and improving blood circulation in it, thus increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin and giving it a healthy appearance, glow and youth.

Peeling skin

Peeling is an effective means for the skin to appear younger because it removes dead skin cells and thus gives the skin shine, healthy appearance and youth. Peeling also keeps the skin clean free of dirt and germs and promotes collagen production tightens it and shows it at a younger age. 

Get rid of wrinkles and spots

 There are many creams rich in vitamin A, which plays an effective role in tightening the skin and getting rid of wrinkles. Therefore, it is recommended to use these products regularly, and products that contain retinol can be used to get rid of wrinkles, and use products rich in hydroquinone that plays an effective role in standardizing Skin color, whitening and rid of dark spots associated with aging.

 Attention to diet

 Many food items contribute to a younger age, including:

·         Virgin olive oil: contributes to reducing the disease associated with aging and aging and helps the skin to look younger because it contains properties that give it flexibility and protect it from damage.

·         Green tea: It contains a high percentage of antioxidants that prevent the growth and spread of free radicals in the body. It also contains polyphenols that protect collagen, the main protein in the epidermis, and thus reduces the signs of aging.

·         Oily fish: oily fish, such as salmon, contain omega-3 acids, which give the skin youth, flexibility and hydration.

·         Vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, squash, and sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene that protects the skin from free radicals and the sun's harmful rays that cause aging.

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